We help candidates run winning campaigns that make the best use of their funds and time. Our clients can leave the important details to us so they can spend their time doing what only they can do—building relationships with voters and decision-makers.


  • Political strategizing
  • Planning and timelines
  • Logo and candidate ID package
  • Fundraising
  • Voter targeting
  • Results-driven direct voter contact
    • USPS mail
    • E-mail messaging
    • Social media
  • Website
  • Signage
  • Support materials
  • Accounting
  • Campaign reporting

Results-driven direct voter contact is key.

Yes, you can design your own campaign logo create a slogan, craft a brochure on your computer and scour the Internet for the best price for support materials. But is all your work going to get you the results you need—and don’t you really have other things to do in this campaign besides spending time at your computer?


Target the voters you need.

Reaching voters is vital—but it’s not a simple task. How do you decide which voters to target? How often and when should you reach out to them? How do the increasing numbers of the absentee/vote by mail households affect your plans for targeting?